Avoiding a race to the bottom

First let's explore what a race to the bottom actually is. 

It all starts with competition. Competition is good, right? Usually. The problem starts when that competition begins cutting prices (and cutting corners usually follows). Rather than companies or individuals increasing quality to justify cost, they decrease price.

What are the consequences of this business model?

Soon you have a flooded market that produces sub-par products to make a few quick dollars. This comes at the consumers expense. Getting an inferior product regardless of savings does a disservice and makes the community look bad.

How do we avoid the race to the bottom?

At Make It For Us we are not looking to reproduce other business models. We don't want makers 3D printing articulated dragons and hoping to get sales. We want customers to come to us for whatever they need. Whatever they dream up. If they want an articulated dragon then by all means... print them a dragon! Whatever their idea is. But we want to focus on custom work that meets their expectations. Even if it's their STL, CAD/CAM file, or design we aim to make it for them with pride and quality.

Keep it local. Our goal is for all products to be made in the same country as the customer. The logistics of shipping items, duties, and customs can become a nightmare. For digital designs (files like STL, CAD, gerber, and others), the logistics are easy. And the market becomes a little broader. We want to get ideas made as fast as possible at a fair price.

As a maker can I sell my own products?

Absolutely! But we also would like makers to be available to custom create on behalf of our customers. A mix of products and services is our goal. Sometimes people need inspiration. And sometimes makers create things that are really really cool!

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